How to register on SportyHQ

In order to participate in tournaments, squash players must be registered with Squash South Africa and Northern Gauteng.  Registration for both Squash SA and Northern Gauteng is done through the SportyHQ online platform.

  • Single player:  The steps below in this blog are for a single-player registration, where the parents below are not squash players.
  • Family of players:  where parents are also squash players or you want to register two or more children, we recommend that the parent create a profile for him/herself, and then create sub-profiles for each child.

If you have any problems with loading a profile or linking profiles, please contact Gerda Dreyer at NJSA at 081 400 5208 for assistance.

If you would like to set up a parent profile (non-playing or playing squash) and then set up and link a child or children’s profiles, please follow these steps:

  • To set up a non-playing parent profile on Sporty HQ, please follow steps 1 to 4 below.
  • Then, set up a profile for your child.  Follow steps 1 to 13 below.
  • Then, watch this video on how to link your child’s profile with the parent’s profile (Video link:

If you have any problems with loading a profile or linking profiles, please contact Gerda Dreyer at NJSA at 081 400 5208 for assistance.

How to register a single player

Step 1 – Website

Go to, and click on the top right corner on “Create Account”.

Step 2 – Create Account

On the next page, enter the account information.  Enter the player’s information.  So if you are registering your child, please use your child’s name and surname.   We recommend that you use the parent’s email address.

Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and then click on the “I agree” tickbox.  Click Sign up.

Step 3 – Verify Account

Go to your email account and confirm your SportyHQ account in your email.

Step 4 Complete Setup

Once the account is active, you will be redirected to “Complete Your Account Setup”. Here, you can change your username, and you will also be asked to enter a password and confirm the password. Please make a note of your password for future login.

Please also enter the following information:
• Gender
• Date of Birth
• Time Zone (select Africa/Johannesburg)

Then click “Continue”. You will then be redirected to a screen “Welcome to your Dashboard”.

Step 5 – Link Profile to Squash SA and Northern Gauteng

Now, you have a SportyHQ profile.  Next, you need to link your profile to Squash South Africa and to Northern Gauteng:

  1. In the search bar at the top of the screen, type in “Squash South Africa”.

2. Select “Squash South Africa” when it appears in the drop-down list.

3. The page for Squash South Africa will now open. On the right-hand side of the page, click on “Join Today”

4.  Next you will be redirected to a new page named “Squash South Africa Membership. On this page, you will now go through the steps to link your profile to “Northern Gauteng” and make the payment for Squash SA membership.  This is the screen you will see:

5.  On this page, scroll down and where you type your cell phone number, please select “South Africa” from the drop-down list, and then enter your cell phone number.

6.  On the address section, please enter your address, ensure the country is listed as “South Africa”, and VERY IMPORTANT, select the State/Province as “Gauteng”.

7.  Then, in the next block that appears, please select the following:
• Region: Gauteng North
• District: City of Tshwane – Pretoria
THIS STEP LINKS YOUR PROFILE TO Northern Squash Association.

8.  Then, enter emergency contact information.

9.  Click on “Continue” at the bottom right of the page.

Step 6 – Select Club

In the next screen, please select the club for the player. We recommend that you select “Centurion Junior Squash” as the club, and select the option “Yes” if the player belongs to another club (for example, Uitsig Squash Club).

Step 7 – Membership Option

On the next screen (Membership Information), please tick/select the Full Membership option.   It is optional to enter your demographic and ID number at the bottom of the screen.

For Under 11 players, please don’t proceed to payment.  Under-11 players are exempt from paying Squash SA fees.   Please contact Gerda Dreyer at NJSA on 081 400 5208 to arrange for Squash SA to override the payment requirement. Skip Steps 8 and 9. 

Click “Continue”.

Step 8 – T&C

On the next page, is the Terms and Conditions.  Please tick the box to indicate that you have read the terms and conditions and agree thereto.  Click “Continue”.

Step 9 – Membership Payment

You will now make the Squash SA membership payment with a credit card. It is a secure payment gateway with PayFast.

Please note that the annual membership payment is from April to March of the following year. If you are registering a new player in January, you will have to pay the membership fee for the current year (up to the end of March) and then pay in April for the next year’s membership.

The membership fees for each year may be different from the membership fee illustrated below.

Step 9 – Select Edit Profile

Next, on the top right-hand side of the screen, next to your name (or the player’s name), click on the down arrow and select “Edit my Profile”.

Step 9 – Update Information

Now, you can review your information, as well as update and add information.

Please also add a profile picture (optional).

Step 12 – Privacy Settings

The privacy settings are important to check. Please click on the tab “Privacy Settings”, and please check that the orange block is visible as below. If you see a green block, please click on the green block so that it changes to an orange block.

We also recommend that your Contact and Display Preferences be set to “Anyone” or “Limited To Other Members at any club I belong to”. This is important for tournament organisers to be able to search and find you. If you select “Keep it private”, tournament organisers will not be able to find your profile.

Step 13 – Enrolled Sports

Next, please click on the tab “Enrolled Sports”. Then, click on “Squash (Singles). If you or your child play in any doubles tournaments, you can also select “Squash (Doubles)”.

Step 14 – View Tournaments

In this step, we will show you how to view the tournaments available with Squash SA.  On the left-hand side of the screen, select “Tournaments”.

In the next screen, on the left hand side, there is a search box (Other facilities or governing bodies). Type in “Squash South Africa” or “South Africa” and search for the Squash South Africa option, then select it.

Now, only the tournaments listed under Squash SA will now be shown.  At the bottom of the screen, click “Save this as my default search”.