CJS New Player Registration

Thank you for completing the registration form for 2025.

Click here to see the list of registered players (updated every 2 to 3 days).

Only players whose 2024 accounts are in good standing will be allowed to register for 2025. If you have registered but cannot find your child/children’s names on the list, please contact our Accounts department, Izilda Kruger (accounts@cjsquash.co.za).

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
For players to receive our email. If you prefer for the player to not receive our newsletter, please leave this field empty.
Please provide the details for the parent who will be the main contact.
PARENT/GUARDIAN 1: Email address
PARENT/GUARDIAN 2: Email address
Terms and Conditions. Please read carefully and check each box to confirm:
By Agreement - please read carefully and check each box to confirm:
Photos and Videos
I understand that group, action and tournament photos are taken by coaches and officials, and hereby confirm that I understand and give consent that these photos and/or videos may be used on social media platforms and newsletters by CJS and the relevant schools involved.